We are proud to announce that on June 29, 2017 GP4research has become a member of Society for Clinical Research Sites.
The mission of the organisation is „To foster the sustainability of clinical research sites, for the benefit of sites and other industry stakeholders”.
SCRS is not only simple organisation of companies with similar interests. SCRS is the first organisation fully concentrating on representing the interests of the clinical research sites all over the world. SCRS represents sites at the table with other players of the clinical research market and presents the ability to participate in discussions and decisions that ultimately impact the clinical research sites and the industry at large. The role of SCRC is particularly important nowadays when the patient becomes a centre of interest of the industry and providing comfort to the patient became a major target as a means to improve the quality of the research.
During his visit to DIA in Chicago, Janusz Kabata, CEO of GP4research was invited to join the SCRS Summit in Cracow where he presented the concept and business model of our company and it was appreciated as innovative in our part of Europe and heartily welcome by the members of the society.
We would like to thank the Society for admitting GP4research to the organisation. We will be spreading the mission of
the Society among our partnering GPs and other business partners to make the voice of our community better heard by all the stakeholders.