Our Mission
To bring clinical research to family medicine
We believe that Family Medicine is an emerging medical speciality that will play a crucial role in patient-centric clinical research. So far, the potential of Family Medicine research has never been properly exploited. This group of professionals comprises highly educated and experienced physicians, motivated and willing to participate in the developments of modern medicine.
We believe that family physicians can be very valuable investigators in many projects, especially those which do not require specialized facilities and can be conducted in the doctor’s surgery or even in the patient’s own home.
Our Vision
Doctors are striving to be part of the modern therapeutic approach. They want to be close to their patients while offering them access to the most modern therapies.
We want to work with family physicians by giving them the opportunity to develop their knowledge and education and by connecting them with international teams of researchers with whom they can work together on new therapies and exchange knowledge and experience.
Our key priority is patient well-being, comfort, and security throughout the clinical study.
The expert knowledge of our employees and cooperating investigators, who are supported by leading specialists in the fields of family medicine or clinical trials, paired with our commitment are key factors in caring for the patient from the beginning to the very end of the study.
Our Values
As professionals we adhere to the following corporate values:



Site Network
Gp4research Investigative Site Network (ISN) is an international group of General Practices running independent clinical research sites based upon specific qualification criteria that function as one entity. The Gp4research administrative team oversees and streamlines site identification and selection, regulatory approvals, study coordination, quality assurance, business, and financial processes for each trial.